BASE 3 DMCC Membership Policy
Below, we’ve outlined the terms of our Membership Policy so that you understand how we operate. Our Membership Policy is part of our Membership Agreement and applies to any BASE 3 product or service purchased where the terms are applicable to that purchase.
BASE 3 Membership Policy
By purchasing a BASE 3 product or service, membership or otherwise, the client agrees to abide by, and be bound to, the terms and conditions of this Membership Policy at all times. We reserve the right to revise and update this Policy at any time, and the most current version shall automatically form part of the Membership Agreement, irrespective of when the agreement commenced.
Any person who enters BASE 3 will be governed by our Code of Conduct & facility rules at all times.
If you have any questions about the below, or need assistance in any way, please contact us. Our admin hours are Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm (excluding public holidays). Please note that we are not available to process memberships or bookings outside of these hours and, therefore, ask for adequate notice (last minute requests may not be processed, and we will not be responsible for the consequences of this where BASE 3 is not at fault).
Before purchasing a Membership or Drop-in
1) Access & eligibility

2) Definitions
“Member” Anyone who purchases a membership (as above). Use of the gym will be governed by the terms and conditions specific to their chosen membership. All active members may also participate in members-only events, workshops etc.
“Drop-In” Anyone who purchases a single session. A drop-in will pay or deduct a session every time they use the BASE 3 facility and/or participate in any BASE 3 service (unless otherwise specified).
“Auto-renewal” A membership is on “auto-renewal” if the Member signs up to TELR, giving permission for their credit card (CC) to be automatically debited at renewal of membership. This provides continual facility access without interruption. See below for information on TELR.
“Single” A membership is “single” if the Member purchases 1-month only. This membership is not on auto-renewal and facility access will be denied on the day of expiry (inclusive).
3) Terms of purchase
Refund & Transfer Policy
BASE 3 has a strict ‘no-refund policy’. There will be no refund or transfer of credit or unused sessions for any product or service purchased.
Membership Cancellation Policy [auto-renewal]
The cancellation of an auto-renewal membership must be done through the “Membership Cancellation” link on the website with at least 10 days’ notice to ensure enough time for account processing. BASE 3 will not be responsible for requests submitted in any other way, or within 10 days, that result in the membership automatically renewing, and payment being debited, as previously agreed.
Membership Cancellation Policy [before the initial commitment period/contract is complete]
The cancellation of a 3 or 6-month membership before the initial commitment period is complete will incur a cancellation charge equal to the difference between their contracted monthly rate versus the monthly rate for the number of months they completed. For example, Sally chooses a 3-month membership at AED100 per month, but cancels after 1 month. If the 1-month rate is AED175, her cancellation fee will be 175-100 = AED75. All members will be notified of any cancellation charge before agreeing to proceed with the cancellation (and charge).
Changes & Extensions
Once the purchase, membership, or booking has been processed and finalised in our system by BASE 3 Crew, changes or extensions cannot be made.
4) Using TELR for payments
TELR is an online payment portal that is managed by BASE 3. There are no extra costs and all payments can be frozen or cancelled easily provided enough notice is given (see membership cancellation and freeze guidelines).
How to pay via TELR
A link will be emailed to you. Please review the information and amount on the link before confirming your details and accepting.
Auto-renewal on TELR
If you select and sign the TELR agreement for an auto-renewal membership, your payment will be debited automatically on your date of renewal, without permission, as agreed.
Membership freeze & TELR
When you freeze your membership, your renewal date will be extended and so will your TELR payment. Upon renewal TELR will debit your membership amount, without permission, as agreed. Please ask reception for more info about TELR if unclear.
5) Membership freeze
Membership Freeze
Eligible memberships may be frozen for periods of 7 days or more, and up to 1 month. All freeze requests must be submitted through the “Membership Freeze” link on the website with at least 10 days’ notice to ensure enough time for account processing. Freeze start and end dates cannot be backdated and will be final. Any adjustments will incur a AED 50 admin fee.
Auto-renewal monthly memberships
Eligible for 1 freeze per calendar quarter. The freeze start date will determine the quarter it falls in. Unused freeze periods will not accumulate.
6) Minimum age requirement
You must be 18 or over to use BASE 3 facilities. Younger athletes may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss.
7) Membership agreement between the client & BASE 3
Once the Waiver & Membership Agreement has been signed by the client, the Membership Agreement commences. From this point on, the terms of this Membership Policy and the terms of the Waiver & Membership Agreement will apply and will override any information given over the phone or at the facility that may be different. BASE 3 reserves the right to update terms and policies at any time, and the most up-to-date version will always apply.
If we do not enforce the terms set out in the Membership Agreement and/or Policy at any time, it does not mean we have waived those rights. If any error occurs through the absolute fault of BASE 3, we will rectify the situation immediately provided the issue is brought to us while the payment or membership/drop-in period is active and current. This will be discussed with the client directly.
8) Getting started
- Choose a membership, drop-in, or service, that suits your schedule, needs and goals.
- Be familiar with the Membership Agreement and terms of your purchase. Ask for clarification if needed.
- Let BASE 3 activate your account on Wodify.
- Book yourself in for class!
During your Membership/Drop-in
9) Terms of purchase
Refund Policy
BASE 3 has a strict ‘no refund or return’ policy and will not be responsible if you are unable to complete your membership or program. No cancellation or refund will be provided.
Updates in terms and operations
Our business is a living project and we will sometimes make adjustments to our operations and terms and conditions, which may include opening hours, schedule, services, and fees. We will communicate bigger changes via Wodify, however, the most up-to-date terms can be found here and will always apply.
Managing your health
You are always responsible for managing your health and must notify BASE 3 Crew should your medical or health condition change during your membership, or if you believe any exercise or activity might risk your health or the health of others in the facility.
Upgrading or purchasing additional services
You can always upgrade your membership or purchase any additional program or membership while another membership is active. Additional charges will apply, and any terms and conditions specific to the new upgrade/program will apply.
10) Reserving & booking in to your session
Payment for products and services
All memberships, drop-ins, and other products and services, are to be paid for in full and up-front. Depending on your choice, the payment methods are cash, card, and online payment through
Renewal of membership
Gym access will cease on the date of expiry (inclusive). In order to ensure continuous access, renewal can be processed any time prior to this date. If you have an auto-renewal membership, your membership will automatically renew until you submit the Membership Cancellation form at least 10 days before your next due payment. Please note that you are responsible for keeping track of your expiry date. By renewing your membership, you agree to the relevant terms and conditions that apply at that time.
Late & failed TELR payments
If your payment is late, or is declined by TELR, we will contact you immediately to inform you. Normally we will give a few days’ grace while the payment is being rectified, however, we do reserve the right to cancel the membership at any time. Any sessions (group or Open Gym) used by the client before payment was rectified, where the client does not renew, will be retrospectively paid for at the drop-in rate.
11) Payment information
Reservation Policy
It is mandatory to pre-book your group or Open Gym session via Wodify. You may be turned away if you show up without a reservation. Please contact us if you cannot access your Wodify account.
Late Cancellation & No-Show Policy
Late cancellations (within 8 hours) and no-shows will be monitored, and will be counted as a used session. Those who continually cause others to miss out (sessions where there is a waiting list) will be contacted. At Manager’s discretion, their membership may be suspended for 2 days. There will be no refunds, returns or compensation in any form in the event that this policy is enforced. As spaces are limited, please be courteous to others and commit to attending the busiest sessions if you make the reservation.
Waiting lists
If a session is full, you may choose to be added to the waiting list. In the event that someone cancels, you will receive an email from Wodify asking if you would like to attend. This occurs on a first-come-first-served basis (so be quick!).
All visitors are welcome to train at BASE, however, they must complete all necessary requirements beforehand or they may be turned away. Please contact us during our admin hours so we can outline this process with you and book you in.
12) Wodify
Wodify is our gym management software. Members use the app to book their group or Open Gym sessions, track their progress and view workouts.
Account setup
A set-up email will be sent from Wodify to the email address provided with instructions for logging into and setting up your account. Please check your junk or spam folder for Wodify emails.
Signing waiver & contract e-signature
Wodify will notify you of any waivers and/or contracts that need to be electronically signed. You may not be able to book into your session before completing this step.
Reminders & communication
Wodify will send out an email reminder when your membership/drop-in is about to expire. BASE 3 also uses Wodify to send community updates. To stay up-to-date, please add Wodify to your address book so it isn’t flagged as junk.
Membership & admin support
Please contact us for any assistance. Our admin hours are Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm (excluding public holidays). Please note that we are not available to process memberships or bookings outside of these hours and, therefore, ask for adequate notice (last minute requests may not be processed, and we will not be responsible for the consequences of this where BASE 3 is not at fault).
13) BASE 3 Code of Conduct
All clients and guests who enter our facility must adhere to the BASE 3 Code of Conduct at all times. Failure to comply may result in you being asked to leave the facility, or in you having your membership terminated without refund.
Respecting our space & equipment
You are responsible for using our facilities and equipment correctly. If you’re unsure of something, please ask BASE 3 Crew for help. Note that you will be responsible for any damage that you or your guests cause through a willful act or negligence. As a courtesy to other athletes, please ensure the following:
- Put equipment away in its correct place after use, wipe your board, reset your clock.
- Leave your space in a clean and tidy manner.
- Be courteous to all other athletes.
- Keep to the set time limits.
- Keep phone calls to a minimum and don’t use headphones in group sessions.
- Always obey staff directions and current protocol.
Camera use
Feel free to use your camera, however, please be courteous of others who may not want to be photographed/filmed. You may not take photos of anyone else who requests not to be in a photo.
Keeping your belongings safe
We do not advise bringing valuables into the facility and will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your belongings regardless of where they are stored. Our lockers and shelving space may be used while training only, however, please note that they are not secure. Items left in the facility overnight, on a shelf or in a locker, will be put into the Lost & Found box, with unclaimed property going to charity each month.
Dress code in & around the facility
Dress appropriately for your activity and for social settings. Because we are in a business area, please keep your top on when you go outside.
Being courteous of other building users/patrons
BASE 3 is part of a large business complex, Mazaya Business Avenue (MBA), with access to their walkways and parking spaces. We will always do our best to comply with MBA’s management and security rules and regulations so as not to disturb or inconvenience other MBA patrons. You represent BASE 3 when you are training with us and we ask that you be courteous to all other patrons and staff of MBA. You must comply with all regulations as communicated by BASE 3 Crew.
Being refused entry or receiving a warning
We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone if they act unreasonably or break the BASE 3 Code of Conduct. If there is any breach, a warning will be issued via writing so that information is clearly communicated, and any breaches after this may result in membership or session cancellation at the discretion of Management. You will not receive any refund for any amounts paid or for any unused sessions.
Facing instant cancellation
We reserve the right to cancel your membership or outstanding sessions without warning if you behave in a manner deemed inappropriate by Management, and you will not receive any refund for any amounts paid or any unused sessions. For example, if you:
- Behave inappropriately or aggressively towards others where BASE 3 is involved or represented.
- Continually disobey BASE 3 Crew or MBA management or security.
- Intentionally damage or steal equipment or BASE 3 property.
- Use, supply or encourage illegal and/or performance-enhancing drugs.
- Instruct other members when we have not authorised you to do so.
- Actively try to damage the BASE 3 brand or reputation.
14) BASE 3 Promise
Rectifying our errors
In the event that any error occurs through the absolute fault of BASE 3, we will rectify the situation immediately provided the issue is brought to us while the payment or membership/drop-in period is active and current. This may include changes to a membership, or a refund, and will be discussed with the client directly.
Comments, Queries & Feedback
It’s really important that we have your feedback so we can always work to improve our service and your experience. If you have any comments, queries and/or feedback regarding your membership or our facility, service etc, please contact us or chat with BASE 3 Crew.
Managing your personal information
We will have access to personal information about you, including personal contact and emergency contact details, your health status etc. Please note that we will never disclose your personal information to outside parties and will only use your contact information to contact you for marketing or other BASE 3-related purposes.
BASE 3 Personal Training
Cancellation, No-Show & Late Policy
Any cancellations within 24 hours, or no-shows, will result in a charged/lost session. If late to a session, you will still receive the remaining scheduled session time (unless other arrangements have been previously made with your Coach).
Session validity
The expiry of your sessions will be determined by the number of sessions you purchase, where each session has 1 week validity. For example, a 10-Pack will expire in 10 weeks, 5 sessions will expire in 5 weeks, and so on. If you require flexibility, ask us about our flexible PT rates.
Refund Policy
We do not offer any refunds for unused PT sessions.
Package Renewal
If you would like to renew sessions, please discuss with your Coach.
Managing your health
You are responsible for managing your health and must notify your Coach should your medical or health condition change and/or if you feel any exercise may affect your health and safety. Because you and your Coach are working together, we encourage you to remain open and honest in all matters that may affect your wellbeing and/or the success of your program.
Group Training
If you want to train in a small group with a Personal Trainer, speak to your Coach for payment details. Once the purchase and training times/days are confirmed, it is the responsibility of each person to ensure they attend each session. If any member(s) of the group is not present during any session provided, it will still count as a full session delivered, and no refunds will be provided.